Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Heavy Heart

So, today my parents told me that our Golden Retriever was hit by a car last night and died on impact. He was twelve years old, so we all pretty much knew that in the next 2-3 years he would be leaving us anyways. To imagine him dying of old age was always hard because he has had so much energy throughout his entire life. Though he had arthritis and a bad leg, he always managed to seem so happy and full of energy-- especially when people were around. I don't know if it's because Will doesn't come to our house but so much, but he always seemed to be super excited to see Will.

So, tonight, my heart is heavy. In the past, I have heard people talk about losing pets. Though I felt for them, I never really imagined how it must feel. I guess I never really thought about before, but Sandy truly was a part of the family. Though he didn't sit at the dinner table with us or go on family vacations, he was a huge part of what made us, well.... us. I can't claim that Sandy was my "best friend" as people sometimes claim of their pets, but I can tell you that I think Sandy was one of the best companions my dad has ever had. Strange to think how an animal can grow to be a part of your family. We even shelled out hundreds of dollars earlier this year for surgery when we thought he had a cancerous tumor growing on his leg. (And my parents complained about shelling out money for my braces!!! :)) One of my favorite memories of Sandy was when we went to pick him up from the surgery... He was so doped up and goofy, but his eyes lit him when he saw me and my day and he used all the energy he could to greet us with lots of slobber and that big goofy grin of his.

With that being said, for awhile now,  I have wondered if my friends have thought Will and I are strange for loving our animals as we do. I have a friend that sits as the edge of the couch (so as to not get fur on her) whenever she comes over and always seems grossed out by our cats and often refers to them as "the cat" instead of calling them by name. Will and I however, love when Mittens and Rory snuggle with us and even let them sleep in the bed with us at night. The rabbits however, don't seem to have much of a personality, but we love them nonetheless. We once talked about getting rid of them because of their smell, but when it came down to it, we just love them too much. It's crazy, because she's dumb as dirt... but Flip Flops has an amazing way of knowing when I am upset. There have been several times when I have come home crying and laid in the middle of the floor and held her close to me. She always seems confused, but she never tries to get away.

I guess the point that I am getting at here is that we all make special bonds with our animals. Sandy was some kind of special to our family. He truly was a sweet, sweet dog that never knew a stranger. I'll always remember him as being happy, because he always was. So, tonight, with a heavy heart... I'll love the rest of my animals a little more.

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